- Cheat mode
Successfully complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding cheat option. Note: Cheats can only be enabled when replaying memories.
- Buns Of Steel: Get 100% Total Synch in Sequence 2.Desmond Everywhere: Get 100% Total Synch in Sequence 8.Killing Spree: Get 100% Total Synch in Sequence 3.Ride The Unicorn: Get 100% Total Synch in Sequence 1.Sisterhood: Get 100% Total Synch in Sequence 4.Ultimate Guild: Get 100% Total Synch in Sequence 5.Unlimited Assassin Signals: Get 100% Total Synch in Sequence 6.
- The Truth
Find all 10 Rifts, and solve all Cluster puzzles. You can then find The Truth in the secret area of the Animus.
- Dagger and Armor of Brutus
Collect all six Keys of Romulus from Followers' Lairs beneath Prospero da Siena'a Borgia Tower in a vault to get the Dagger and Armor of Brutus.
- Parachute
Successfully complete all War Machine missions to get the parachute invention from Leonardo.
- War horse spawns at stables
Renovate all stables in Rome to have your war horse spawn at the stables.
- Cristina memory locations
Successfully complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding memory:
- A Second Chance: Get 15% Total Synch.Best Man: Get 45% Total Synch.Last Rites: Get 30% Total Synch.Love's Labour's Lost: Get 75% Total Synch.Persona Non Grata: Get 60% Total Synch.
- Bonus costumes
Successfully complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding costume:
- Altair's Robes: Purchase for 20 Ubisoft Uplay rewards.Armor Of Altair: Purchase for 20 Ubisoft Uplay rewards.Florentine Noble Attire: Purchase for 20 Ubisoft Uplay rewards.Raiden Skin: Get a Bronze or better medal in all Virtual Training challenges.
- Bonus capes
Successfully complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding cape:
- Auditore: Successfully complete the Rebuilding Rome metagame.Borgia: Collect all 100 Borgia Flags.Medici: Reach level 30 on the
- Facebook game.Venetian: Reach level 30 on the
- Facebook game.
- Guild bonuses
Successfully complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding bonus at Ezio's Hideout:
- Assassin's Guild Crest: Successfully complete all Assassin's Guild Challenges.Bartolomeo's Axe: Reach level 3 in the Mercenaries Guild.Courtesans Guild Crest: Reach level 2 in the Courtesans Guild.Courtesans poison guards: Reach level 5 in the Courtesans Guild Challenges.Faction discount: Reach level 10 in the corresponding Guild Challenges.La Volpe's Bite: Reach level 3 in the Thieves Guild.Maria's Dagger: Reach level 3 in the Courtesans Guild.Mercenaries Guild Crest: Reach level 2 in the Mercenaries Guild.Sword of Altair: Successfully complete all Assassin's Guild Challenges.Thieves Guild Crest: Reach level 2 in the Thieves Guild.Thieves pickpocket guards: Reach level 5 in the Thieves Guild Challenges.
- Rebuilding Rome metagame bonuses
Successfully complete the indicated task in the Rebuilding Rome metagame to unlock the corresponding bonus:
- Cavalieri Mace and Butcher Knife: Open five Blacksmiths.Knife Belt Upgrade: Open four Tailor Shops; upgrades again at eight Tailor Shops.Large Medicine Pouch: Open four Tailor Shops.Large Poison Vial: Open eight Tailor Shops.Spadone: Open ten Blacksmiths.
- Shop quest bonuses
Successfully complete the indicated shop quest to unlock the corresponding bonus:
- Captain's Sword: Successfully complete the Faith Shop quest (Blacksmith).Fast Poison: Successfully complete the Venomous Shop quest (Doctor).Large Quiver: Successfully complete the Pulling Threads Shop quest (Tailor).Seusenhofer Pauldrons and Chest Guards: Successfully complete the Exotica Shop quest (Blacksmith).Spada Lunga: Successfully complete the Blood Money Shop quest (Blacksmith).Vaticano Treasures Map: Successfully complete the Trendsetting Shop quest (Art Merchant).
- War Machine models
Successfully complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding model:
- Bomber: Successfully complete the "Flying Machine 2.0" War Machine mission.Machine Gun: Successfully complete the "Outgunned" War Machine mission.Naval Cannon: Successfully complete the "Loose Cannon" War Machine mission.Tank: Successfully complete the "Hell On Wheels" War Machine mission.
- Maps
Successfully complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding map for purchase from an art merchant:
- Centra Flags: Successfully complete the game or collect 25 Borgia flags.Antigo Flags: Successfully complete the game or collect 25 Borgia flags.Campagna Flags: Successfully complete the game or collect 25 Borgia flags.Vaticano Flags: Successfully complete the game or collect 25 Borgia flags.Feathers: Successfully complete the game or collect 25 Borgia flags.
- Rare paintings
Successfully complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding painting for purchase from the Centro, Antico, and Campagna art merchants:
- Christ Blessing: Successfully complete Sequence 8 or collect 15 Borgia flags.Self Portrait: Successfully complete Sequence 8 or collect 15 Borgia flags.Young Man with an Apple: Successfully complete Sequence 8 or collect 15 Borgia flags.
- Portraits
Defeat the following targets to unlock their portrait: Cesare Borgia, Baron de Valois, Juan Borgia, Lucrezia Borgia, Micheletto, and Rodrigo Borgia.
- Special artifacts
Leave the Animus, and go to present day Monteriggioni to get the following artifacts. Note: They will appear on the shelves in your Sanctuary.
- Claudia's Record BookEzio's BeltMaria's Feather ChestMario's SwordMedici Cape
- Ubisoft Uplay bonuses
Successfully complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding bonus:
- Pistol upgrade: Sign up for Ubisoft's Uplay service and spend 3 tokens.Hellequin multiplayer character: Sign up for Ubisoft's Uplay service and spend 40 reward points.PlayStation 3 theme: Sign up for Ubisoft's Uplay service and spend 1 token.
- Assassin Guild Challenges
Successfully complete the indicated tasks in the Assassin Guild Challenges:
- 1. Signal Assassin Recruits during a fight 25 times.
- This must be done when guards are actively fighting you.2. Use Arrow Storm 15 times.
- This is only available when you have three Assassin Signals.3. Signal Assassin Recruits 20 times to kill a target.4. Signal Assassin Recruits five times within a Core Memory.5. Raise five recruits to the rank of Assassin (level 10).
- Courtesans Guild Challenges
Successfully complete the indicated tasks in the Courtesans Guild Challenges:
- 1. Send ten Courtesan groups to distract guards.2. Evade ten enemies using hide spots.3. Kill 20 enemies stationed at guard posts using the Crossbow without being detected.4. Command ten horses without killing the guard riding it.5. Hide five dead bodies in wells or haystacks.6. Poison 15 guards.7. Kill 20 guards during a smoke bomb attack.8. Assassinate ten guards from behind.9. Kill five guards from blend spots.
- Mercenary Guild Challenges
Successfully complete the indicated tasks in the Mercenary Guild Challenges:
- 1. Send Mercenary groups to attack guards ten times.2. Kill five guards by throwing them into scaffolds.3. Kill 25 Brutes.4. Kill 25 Papal Guards.5. Kill 25 guards while you ride a horse.6. Kill ten horse riding guards by air assassinating them.7. Perform ten Double Assassinations.8. Disarm and kill five guards with their own weapons.9. Kill five guards within ten seconds five times.10. Have ten streaks of at least five kills.
- Thieves Guild Challenges
Successfully complete the indicated tasks in the Thieves Guild Challenges:
- 1. Send ten Thief groups to lure guards.2. Sprint uninterrupted for 300 meters.3. Jump from a horse to a beam 20 times.4. Perform 40 Leaps of Faith.5. Dive into water from a height of 25 meters.6. Pickpocket 250 florins.7. Glide a cumulative total of 500 meters with the Parachute.8. Kill 25 guards with a ranged weapon.9. Air assassinate five guards from a beam.
- Full Synch requirements for Assassinations
Successfully complete the indicated tasks in the listed Assassination missions to get 100% Synch. Note: The missions are assigned to you by Niccolo and are accessed at various pigeon coops.
- "Two's Company" mission: Kill both targets with your hidden blade."Tactical Correction" mission: Finish the memory within two minutes."...And Three's A Crowd" mission: Kill the three targets within two minutes."Serf's Terf" mission: Assassinate two guards with the hidden blade."The Three Amici" mission: Kill the targets with the hidden blade."Red Letter Day" mission: Kill both targets in under 60 seconds."The Merchant Of Rome" mission: Use the Assassin Recruits to assist in a diversion."Bearers Of Bad News" mission: Do not allow your targets to call for reinforcements."Cardinal Sin" mission: Kill only the Cardinal."Turning The Tables" mission: Kill at least one Brute, one Seeker, and one Papal Guard with his own weapon."Graduation" mission: Do not lose any health squares."Brutes And Brutality" mission: Kill all targets in under 15 seconds.
- Full Synch requirements for Courtesans
Successfully complete the indicated tasks in the listed Courtesan missions to get 100% Synch:
- "Property Dispute" mission: Stop Santino before he beats up the Courtesan."Old Habits Die Hard" mission: Assassinate the target from a hiding spot."The Morning After" mission: Successfully complete the mission in under 400 seconds."Running Scared" mission: Kill only the ambassador."Live Bait" mission: Kill a target using the ledge grab."Malpractice" mission: Do not kill the doctor."Closing In" mission: Kill the target using the hidden blade."Bad Politics" mission: Kill all targets in under 60 seconds."Troublemakers" mission: Finish the mission with both mercenaries above half health."Ghostwriting" mission: Successfully complete the mission in under two minutes and twenty seconds.
- Full Synch requirements for Romulus Lairs
Successfully complete the indicated tasks at the Romulus Lair in the listed missions to get 100% Synch:
- "The Halls Of Nero" mission at the Terme di Traiano: Successfully complete the memory within eight minutes."Wolves Among The Dead" mission at the Catacombe di Roma: Successfully complete the memory within eight minutes."Thrown To The Wolves" mission at Il Colosseo: Do not lose more than three blocks of health."Leader Of the Pack" mission at the Cloaca Maxima: Do not lose more than ten health squares."The Sixth Day" mission at the Palazzo Laterano: Do not lose more than a block of health."A Wolf In Sheep's Clothing" mission at the Basilica di San Pietro: Successfully complete the memory within eight minutes.
- Full Sync requirements for Templar Agents
Successfully complete the indicated tasks in the listed Templar Agent missions to get 100% Synch:
- "Down to Earth" mission: Kill your target with the hidden blade."Counter-Propaganda" mission: Kill your target with the hidden blade."Excommunication" mission: Kill Brother Ristoro by air assassination."Firing Line" mission: Kill the target using the hidden blade within 45 seconds."Red-Handed" mission: Kill your target with the hidden blade."The Ringer" mission: Kill only Donato Mancini.
- Full Synch requirements for War Machines
The War Machine missions require that four War Machines, marked by an "L" on the map, be destroyed. There are two missions for each War Machine (one for killing the Overseer for the map to the machine, and another for destroying the machine). Successfully complete the indicated tasks in the listed missions to get 100% Synch:
- "War Plans For Outgunned" mission: Send the Mercenaries into a fight."Outgunned" mission: Do not kill anybody before destroying the blueprints. The Reward is the Machine Gun model."War Plans For Loose Cannon" mission: Use the kick attack against the Overseer."Loose Cannon" mission: Open one of the first three gates. The Reward is the Naval Cannon model."War Plans For Flying Machine 2.0" mission: Use a smoke bomb to stun the Overseer."Flying Machine 2.0" mission: Do not get shot while using the Bomber. The Reward is the Bomber model."War Plans For Hell On Wheels" mission: Use the pistol to kill the Overseer."Hell On Wheels" mission: Do not take damage while using the tank. The Reward is the Tank model.
- Full Synch requirements for storyline memories
Successfully complete the indicated tasks in the listed storyline memories to get 100% Synch:
Sequence 2
- "As Good As New": Do not drop below one health square."Well Executed": Kill your target with the hidden blade."New Man In Town": Throw the Borgia Captain into the scaffold to kill him."Easy Come, Easy Go": Do not lose any health."Who's Got Mail?": Catch the Borgia courier in under one minute."Crepil il Lupo": Do not lose any health."The Halls Of Nero": Successfully complete the memory within eight minutes.
Sequence 3
- "Double Agent": Do not get detected while reducing Notoriety. Remain undetected until rejoining La Volpe at the Thieve's Guild."Between A Rock And A Hard Place": Kill only the Borgia Captain."High-Stakes Negotiation": Do not swim.
Sequence 4
- "Castello Crasher": Do not get detected."Femme Fatale": Do not lose more than ten health squares."The Burdens We Carry": Do not get detected."Guardian Of Forli": Achieve a kill streak of at least five guards."Man Of The People": Do not lose more than five health squares."Serial Offender": Kill your target using the Assassin Recruits."Human Cargo": Kill your target using the Assassin Recruits.
Sequence 5
- "Escape From Debt": Do not get detected while escorting the senator."Follow The Money": Do not get detected and do not touch the ground while tailing the Senator."When In Rome...": Arrive at your destination in under three minutes."In And Out": Kill the Banker from a bench without being detected.
Sequence 6
- "Gatekeeper": Do not take any damage."French Kiss": Do not get detected."Trojan Horse": Do not lose any health squares.
Sequence 7
- "Patching the Leak": Do not drop below five health squares."Calling All Stand-Ins": Use Assassin Recruits to assassinate your targets."Exit Stage Right": Do not kill anyone other than the gunmen."Intervention": Do not swim.
Sequence 8
- "Requiem": Do not get detected."An Apple a Day": Do not kill anyone."The Apple of Eden": Do not lose any health.
Sequence 9
- "Pax Romana": Do not drop below five health squares.
- Rebuilding Rome goals
Each district has the indicated number of structures to be renovated:
Antico District
- 17 Doctors (five of which must be renovated)8 Landmarks6 Tunnel Entrances4 Blacksmiths4 Broken Aqueducts3 Tailors3 Art Shops3 Horse Stables3 Faction Buildings2 Banks
Campagna District
- 14 Doctors (five of which must be renovated)6 Tunnel Entrances4 Blacksmiths4 Broken Aqueducts3 Tailors3 Art Shops3 Horse Stables3 Faction Buildings2 Banks2 Landmarks
Centro District
- 23 Doctors (six of which must be renovated)9 Blacksmiths6 Tunnel Entrances6 Banks6 Tailors4 Art Shops3 Horse Stables3 Landmarks3 Faction Buildings
Total structures
- 56 Doctors (sixteen of must be renovated)18 Tunnel Entrances17 Blacksmiths13 Landmarks12 Tailors10 Art Shops10 Banks9 Horse Stables9 Faction Buildings8 Broken Aqueducts
- Borgia Tower Captain locations
You must liberate each area of Rome by killing the indicated Borgia Captain and igniting the Borgia Tower of each area that is marked on your map. After liberating an area, you can recruit Assassins for the Brotherhood and renovate shops and other things in that area. The captains are located in the indicated districts:
- Antonio da Fiorentio: Campagna DistrictBattista Borgia: Campagna DistrictBelardino da Verona: Centro DistrictDomencio da Padova: Centro DistrictFerdinando di Napoli: Campagna DistrictFranceso da Velletri: Campagna DistrictIacopo de Grassi: Centro DistrictIppolito di Foligno: Antico DistrictPietro da Siena: Centro DistrictProspero da Siena: Antico DistrictTommaso di Viterbo: Antico DistrictValentino da Siena: Centro District
- Lair Of Romulus treasure locations
Search the indicated locations to find all six Romulus treasures (Keys of Romulus):
The Halls Of Nero (1/6)
Wolves Among The Dead (2/6)
Thrown To The Wolves (3/6)
Leader Of The Pack (4/6)
The Sixth Day (5/6)
A Wolf In Sheep's Clothing (6/6)
- Leveling recruits quicker
To level new recruits faster, send them on difficult missions along with your most skilled assassins.
- Getting Codex Inventions quickly
When you meet Leonardo, he will offer one of the Codex Inventions for purchase. Choose one of them to purchase. When the sequence ends, access the DNA, and replay Sequence 4: Memory 8 - "An Unexpected Visitor" again. Once the sequence begins, skip it, and you will return to when you were offered the inventions. The first one selected will be grayed out, and you will have two options. When the sequence is over, repeat this one more time to get the final item.
- Assassin's Creed reference
There is an achievement for solving all of Subject 16's puzzles. The name of the achievement is ".. .- -- .- .-.. .. ...- .", which is Morse code that translates to "IAMALIV." When spaced out, this is "I am alive." Lucy always maintains that Subject 16 died after writing on the walls inside Abstergo in the original Assassin's Creed. Additionally, this could also be a subtle reference to Ubisoft's game titled I Am Alive.
- Assassin's Creed: Project Legacy reference
Successfully complete Sequence 6, then leave the Animus, and walk over to Lucy's desk. You will see two computer monitors. The monitor on the right shows the "Memories" section that you use to select your missions in the Assassin's Creed: Project Legacy Facebook game.
- Metal Gear Solid series reference
In the "An Unexpected Visitor" mission in Sequence 3, during the task of finding the mysterious voice, the target will lead you to an upside down cardboard box similar to those used by Snake to hide under in the Metal Gear Solid series.
- Super Mario Bros. reference
After you save Sforza from the Castillo, you will get the "Principessa in Another Castello" trophy, which in Italian means "Your Princess is in Another Castle." This is a reference to Super Mario Bros. and is similar to the Mario reference in Assassin's Creed 2.
- Trophies
Successfully complete one of the following tasks to get a trophy:
- Technical Difficulties (Bronze): Complete Spain Sequence 1.Battle Wounds (Bronze): Complete DNA Sequence 1.Sanctuary! Sanctuary! (Bronze): Complete Present Sequence 1.Requiescat In Pace (Bronze): Complete Spain Sequence 4.Perfect Recall (Bronze): Get a sequence to 100% Memory Synchronization.Déjà vu (Bronze): Replay a memory.Undertaker 2.0 (Bronze): Complete LGS 1 [Catacombs].Golden Boy (Bronze): Complete LGS 2 [Trajan Bath].Bang! (Bronze): Destroy the Machine Gun.Splash! (Bronze): Destroy the Naval Cannon.Boom! (Bronze): Destroy the Bomber.Kaboom! (Bronze): Destroy the Tank.Home Improvement (Bronze): Upgrade 5 buildings in the Antique district.Tower Offense (Bronze): Kill all the Borgia Leaders.Show Off (Bronze): Complete 10 Faction Creed Challenges.Perfectionist (Bronze): Get 3 Gold Medals in VR Missions.Brotherhood (Bronze): Recruit 3 Assassins.Welcome to the Brotherhood (Bronze): Have a Trainee reach the Rank of Assassin.Capture the Flag (Bronze): Remove all Borgia Flags in Rome.In Memoriam (Bronze): Collect all feathers.Dust to Dust (Bronze): Find one Artifact in the present.Serial Killer (Bronze): Perform a 10 combo-kill streak.Spring Cleaning (Bronze): Kill a guard with a Broom.Your Wish is Granted (Bronze): Throw money in a well.Fly Like an Eagle (Bronze): Jump with the parachute from the top of the Castel San Angelo.The Gloves Come Off (Bronze): Win the highest bet at the Fight Club.Mailer Daemon (Bronze): Access your email in the Present.Synchronization Established (Bronze): Complete an entire multiplayer session with at least one kill.Needle in a Haystack (Bronze): Kill your target while being hidden in a haystack.Strong Closer (Bronze): Take the lead 10 seconds before the end of the session and win the game.Fast Learner (Bronze): Kill your target and escape your assassin in less than 10 seconds.Role Model (Bronze): Get all the Co-op bonuses in one session.Overachiever (Bronze): Get a 750 point kill or more.Abstergo Employee of the Month (Bronze): Get every bonus at least once.Ahead of the Curve (Bronze): Perform a Double or a Triple Escape.Rome in Ruins (Silver): Complete DNA Sequence 2.Fixer-Upper (Silver): Complete DNA Sequence 3.Principessa in Another Castello (Silver): Complete DNA Sequence 4.Fundraiser (Silver): Complete DNA Sequence 5.Forget Paris (Silver): Complete DNA Sequence 6.Bloody Sunday (Silver): Complete DNA Sequence 7.Vittoria Agli Assassini (Silver): Complete DNA Sequence 8.Gladiator (Silver): Complete LGS 3 [Colosseum].Plumber (Silver): Complete LGS 4 [Cloaca Maxima].One-Man Wrecking Crew (Silver): Complete LGS 5 [Lateran Palace].Amen (Silver): Complete LGS 6 [St. Peter's Basilica]... .- -- .- .-.. .. ...- . (Silver): Solve all of Subject 16's puzzles.Job Skills (Silver): During an Open Conflct, kill your target and escape.Download Complete (Silver): Reach Level 50.A Knife to the Heart (Gold): Complete the game.Julius Caesar (Platinum): Get every trophy.
The following trophies require "The Da Vinci Disappearance" bonus downloadable content:
- Strong-Arm (Bronze): Throw a Long Weapon, Heavy Weapon, and Smoke Bomb more than 10 m at a guard.High Roller (Bronze): Win 10,000 florins playing Hazard.Airstrike (Bronze): Kill 10 guards with a single arrow storm.Special Delivery (Bronze): Double Assassinate from a parachute.Grand Theft Dressage (Bronze): Steal 5 horses from their riders, while remaining on horseback.Going Up (Bronze): Kill a guard with the bag that drops from a lift.Easy Come, Easy Go (Bronze): Pay 500 florins to an orator, then pickpocket him afterward.il Principe (Silver): Receive 100% synch in ACB and full synch in all missions of the Da Vinci Disappearance.GPS (Silver): Complete the Da Vinci Disappearance.Clowning Around (Silver): Beat up the 5 thirsty harlequins
Read more: https://www.cheatcc.com/ps3/assassinscreedbrotherhoodcheatscodes.html#ixzz1gAIhJ4Uo
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